by Richard Haaker
Blowing respirable quartz in a workplace
AQ Safety staff includes Rick Haaker, a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). "Industrial hygiene" encompasses workplace safety, environmental protection, occupational health, health physics, and more.
Air Quality consulting
Rick specializes in air sampling and monitoring, characterizing settled dust, estimating chemical exposures from air data and excretion data, chemical exposure reconstruction, and risk assessments.
Safety consulting
Rick has extensive dxperience in OSHA compliance and investigations of fall injuries and other accidents in public, commercial, and retail establishments.
photo by Richard Haaker
GPS-based field surveys
Health Physics consulting
Health physics is a subdivision of Industrial Hygiene. Rick Haaker is a Certified Health Physicist (CHP) and provides consulting services in assessing risks, validating data, survey design and assessment, NORM consulting, and probability of cancer causation.